How to Process Ingredients in Genshin Impact (2022)

Do you want to know how to process ingredients in Genshin Impact to boost health in battle, especially if you are a newcomer? Moreover, sometimes you get a statue to revive a fallen party or a health booster. It means you must restore health during battle, but that’s not possible in the middle.

Hence in that case, what will Genshin Impact players do, and you have to face a lot of tough fights? At this moment, the cooking mechanic will help you, which is one of the core parts of the game to get a boss fight. But it can involve if the game describes as a breath of the wild clone. The resources that you get from processed ingredients will be used in recipes.

Initially, part of preparing processing ingredients will ask you to process three elements at an early stage. So that you can cook critical things where every dish requires different ingredients, which are necessary to make and which you cannot easily find anywhere in the wild. Nevertheless, you can purchase some elements from the store, but processing them manually costs nothing.

However, you can buy essential ingredients like milk, wheat, or raw meat, which can be processed into cheese, flour, or sausage. So, a player has to use his culinary knowledge as the cook or chef in the game. Hence, let’s move to the next section to see the detailed guide regarding processing ingredients.

How to Get Ingredients for Genshin Impact

Well, you can purchase a few ingredients, such as milk, from Monstadt’s General Goods Shop or Liyue Harbor’s Second Life. But you will have to hunt in the wild for most of them. While Teyvat is full of ready resources to process into cooking ingredients like:

  • Flowers and mushroomsà you can get them in the wilderness
  • Fishà you can get it in most bodies of water like rivers, oceans, and sometimes at the bottom of waterfalls.
  • Birdsà you can get all over Teyvat. You can hit with a sword or shot with a bow.

Moreover, you can get broken crates in opponent camps, and dungeons can also produce a bounty of both common and rare cooking resources.

How to Process Ingredients in Genshin Impact?

The initial step in the wilds of Teyvat is gathering resources for making a dish in the game. However, many of those resources need alteration before utilizing them in a recipe. Luckily, the cooking mechanics make it simple to process ingredients and cook recipes in one place.

Now, you just need a cooking fire to get started. Thus, you can search for resources in the wild, at camps, or even use restaurant cook fires in town. Hence, check out the below steps to begin the Process:

  1. First, move towards a cooking fire (lit) and interrelate with it to open the cooking menu. If you happen across an unlit fire, provide a party member with Pyro skills (usually Amber) and light the fire underneath. You cannot interact with the fire to open the menu when the fire is lit.
  2. The menu opens the Recipes tab automatically. Then, choose the Processing tab or the tab with the chili pepper icon to access the processing menu.
  3. After that, choose the item you want to process. Ensure you have sufficient necessary ingredients before choosing them by checking out the information window for the item.
  4. At last, tap the Cook button in the bottom right corner.


Now, wait until the item ends processing, but few ingredients take a moment in real-world time. Whereas waiting a minute for flour to Process may be possible, the three minutes for sausage may not. Therefore you may exit the menu and carry on with your adventuring. Then, you will get a notification when your ingredients process is completed, and you can simply pick them up at any cooking fire in Teyvat.

List of Processed Ingredients

Here is the list of processed ingredients that are usually used in complex recipes and you can include in the cooking menu:

Ingredients Required Time Required Materials Usage
Cheese 10.0 mins Milk×3 Mushroom Pizza
Butter 5.0 mins Milk×2 Northern Apple Stew
Cream 3.0 mins Milk×1 Cream Stew
Sugar 3.0 mins Sweet Flowers×2 Almond Tofu
Flour 1.0 min Wheat×2 Tea Break Pancakes
Ham 5.0 mins Raw Meat×2


Adeptus’ Temptation
Jam 10.0 mins Sunsettia×3



Mondstadt Hashbrowns
Sausage 20.0 mins Raw Meat×2


Cold Cut Platters
Bacon 15.0 mins Raw Meat×2


Cold Cut Platters
Crab Roe 20.0 mins Crab×4 Crab, Ham & Veggie Bake
Smoked Fowl 5.0 mins Fowl×3


Northern Smoked Chicken


Steps to Process the Three Ingredients in Genshin Impact

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The Process of a three ingredients quest is one you can achieve from the Adventurer’s Handbook early in the game. Hence, the game is getting ready to utilize available cooking fires and recipes frequently when you discover Teyvat, and processing ingredients is the fundamental piece of the cooking puzzle.

  1. Firstly, move to a cooking pot with a lit fire like the one outside Mondstadt.
  2. Secondly, to open the cooking menu, interrelate with it.
  3. After that, click on the chili pepper icon to access the processing menu options.
  4. Then, choose an item to Process, but ensure you have the resources to post it.
  5. Finally, tap the cook button near the bottom of the screen.
  6. As an optional, you can also use the slider to process multiple items.
  7. Hang around till the end of the processing time for the processing time or come back to any cook pot to select your processed items later on.
  8. If you have not selected to process multiple items, then you can repeat the above steps from 1 to 5 two more times.

If you are new to processing and cooking, you will have to choose the most straightforward items to process, such as sugar or flour. Hence, sugar necessitates using two sweet flowers, which are abundant in the Teyvat wild. While flour only requires one wheat unit, as mentioned in the table, it can only be found by looting crates or purchasing it from the town General Goods store.

Wrapping Up

Using recipes, you can make many dishes that offer a variety of combat benefits, such as defense, boost to the offense, and critical hit rate, making them useful for boss battles. So hopefully, now you have the recipe from the above sections to make a dish that will help you in the battle to enhance your health factor. Hence, by commenting, let us know what you have cooked to survive in the game.